5 Common Misconceptions About Fire Sprinkler Systems

Fire sprinkler systems are essential for residential as well as commercial buildings. These systems have proved their efficiency in saving lives and property in fire hazards time and again but there are many misconceptions associated with it.

Take a look into a few of them.

1. Water from sprinklers damages the property more than the fire

Inspired from the television, we generally assume that as the fire occurs, the fire sprinkler system will set off and water will start coming out of all the sprinkler heads, pouring water over everything in the vicinity. A place occupying electronic components will bear a greater loss whereas the reality is exactly the opposite. Fire sprinkler systems are designed to function in a certain way. These systems have numerous heads from which water comes out and only the head under the influence of fire activates. So, the water only pours over the area under fire and the other areas stay safe and secure.

2. Special kits and tools are required to douse the fire

It is a very common misconception that we need special kits such as asbestos bags, asbestos masks, face fit testing kit, and ffp3 dust mask. Well! the reality is that the need changes according to the workspace. Face fit testing kit and ffp3 dust mask can be stored in industrial areas that deal with asbestos and other material that gives off smoke and dust when they catch fire. Asbestos mask and asbestos bags, as the name suggests should be stored as a protective measure in areas that contain asbestos in their construction. There is no special equipment that you need to use in connection with the fire sprinkler system.

3. Fire sprinkler systems waste a lot of water

Many people are under the perception that fire sprinkler system waste water whereas the reality is very different. The sprinkler systems are designed in a way that only a few heads activate at one point in time. The heads have a glass bulb containing a liquid that gets warm with the rising temperature due to fire and ultimately burst the bulb at certain temperature. This mechanism allows only the sprinkler heads in the area under fire to activate.  Since only the sprinkler heads under the influence of fire activate at the time of fire accidents, water comes out only from these heads which ultimately saves water. Fire sprinkler systems are known to use less water than a water hose used to douse the fire.

4. Fire sprinkler systems are very costly

As the fire sprinklers spread across the building, you may think that they may cost huge. But in reality, the cost of a fire sprinkler system is the same may come down to the cost of doing a carpet upgrade or installing a whirlpool bath. It is best to get the sprinkler system installed at the time of the construction of your home. After the construction of the building, you may need to spend on the aesthetics of your home to hide the sprinkler heads. Fire sprinklers can be eyed as a cost-effective preventive measure as it helps you to prevent the loss of lives and property in fire accidents along with giving you benefits with insurance premiums

5. Fire sprinkler system cannot sustain in colder temperature

This is a very common notion amongst people as in very cold areas, the water inside the sprinkler pipes may freeze which may give in cracks and leaks in the pipe. Though is logically correct, this is not the case practically. To suit the cold climate, different types of solutions are used such as electric heat tracing and adding an anti-freeze solution to prevent the water from freezing. Nowadays, the sprinkler system of the empty houses is filled with pressurized Nitrogen to avoid any kind of issue that may lead to cracks and leaks.

Do not get under a wrong impression about the workability of fire sprinkler system from television and cinema. It is better to stay updated and aware of the practical aspects of the fire sprinkler system. It will encourage you to install one at your place and stay protected all the time.